1. Cracking the Urban cheat code, Dordrecht mapping, September 2003
'Atelier Rijksbouwmeester' (governemental architect in the
3 'streetgrams' of a short generative walk.

point-to-point map
2. 'Peutinger table', 3rd century
3. 'A familiar place', collages based on road maps of Britain , Layla Curtis 2000

4. Historical Time Gateways in
“This is a sensitive map. It is also a "magic" map. Behind each icon you see on your screen lays a fascinating piece of the Greek history.”
Museum - Collection - Gallery
Archaeological Site -
Byzantine Site -
Recent (after 1830) Monument - Architectural Ensemble

Real Time

Description of 4 projects
To understand the conditions of the Metropolis of Athens we made a 3D map. Here the X and Y axis correspond directly to the geographical layout of
In this landscape of access, the roads and railways become rivers, while the bad connected places become mountains of inaccessibility. The Acropolis itself, as the point of reference, remains on the lowest height.
The landscape, that we found now, canalises the flood of urbanisation. When we flip the model around, we have a new Acropolis: here the Acropolis is still the highest point (the identity-giver), but the city is derived from it in a very different way that it uses to be.
Stefanos Fereos, Petros Fokaides, Stan van der Maas, Eleni Mourtzoukou, Niovi Polyriala, Grytsje Schaaf, Gijs de Waal, Gido Wijnker

Tom Bokkers, Fatima El-Bouyahyaoui, Giota Goutsou, Dimitra Riza, Eleni Tsirintani, Giorgos Tsolakis, Johan Ursem
c. Irini: Real time times history time
To find a way to deal with the different faces of the site we developed a specific way of mapping:
-The horizontal axis represents ‘real-time’, the timeline of our visual stimuli while we were going around the site.
-The vertical axis represents ‘chronological time’, it shows the history and the future of the events that take place. Many of these events bring back memories of the past or imagination of the future.
When we draw the surface around memories and imaginations that contniously sweeps us out of real-time, we get the ‘Surface of Experience’. It is inside this surface that we dwell.
Stefanos Fereos, Petros Fokaides, Stan van der Maas, Eleni Mourtzoukou, Niovi Polyriala, Grytsje Schaaf, Gijs de Waal, Gido Wijnker
d. Stavros: duration during history

The mapping exercises took place during the second week of the workshop.
The assignment was given by P. Tournikiotis, E. Karanastasi and S. Vyzoviti.
Tutors were B. Giannoutsou, E. Karanastasi, R. V. Ritoe and S. Vyzoviti.
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